Friday, January 2, 2009

Dropped 3 lbs

Since I survived Christmas and got back to Austin, I've dropped 3 lbs! (And yes, I am consciously using the new term "dropped" as opposed to "lost" because most things you lose you want back. I don't know if it will make a difference, but I am trying everything.) Though perhaps the maintaining through Christmas was pretty damn good too!

And the secret is:

There is no secret. I think the hour long walks in the morning with Kieran are good- exercise without the crazy over exertion that drives me straight to Einstein's for bagels (multiple bagels) which defeats the purpose of exercising in the first place. And I think eating in and cooking is much better than going out to restaurants all the time. And tracking on Sparkpeople is good to see the calorie counts. And more fruits and vegetables- also beneficial.

So it's every little thing, done consistently, with reasonable splurges. And that may be the most unexciting secret of all!

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